The Past Pupils met in Rome to plan the project which will include training online for youth workers and animators, a training course for animators in Malta, the development and pilot testing of five courses for young people which will take place in each participating country, and a transnational meeting in Budapest and an evaluation of the project led by Spain.
The Rome meeting was organised by the Italian National Federation of Past Pupils led by their President Mr. Giovanni Costanza, Nicoletta Iuliano and Alessandro Pensabene. During the meeting, Fr. Fabio Pasqualetti SDB, the Dean of the Faculty of Social Communication Sciences at the Salesian Pontifical University in Rome gave a presentation on the ‘Digital Divide and how to Cross It’. The group also visited the Don Bosco rooms and the Basilica of Sacre Cuore.
The President of the World Confederation of Past Pupils of Don Bosco, Mr Bryan Magro who is coordinating the project stated that this is another initiative that is helping the past pupil’s movement to fulfil its Salesian mission to work with the young people especially those who are unemployed and require support to access jobs.