Italy – Second Seminar on centrality of Eucharist in Salesian charism

02 August 2022

(ANS - Rome) - From July 28 to 30, at the "San Tarcisio" work in Rome, 17 Salesian priests and 2 coadjutors met for the second edition of the seminar on the centrality of the Eucharist in the Salesian charism, starting from the writings and witness of the Servant of God Vera Grita, Salesian Cooperator, whose Diocesan Inquest of the Cause of Beatification was celebrated this year. Coordinated by Fr. Pierluigi Cameroni, Postulator General of the Causes of the Saints of the Salesian Family, the meeting concluded the Congregation's 28th General Chapter's online in-depth initiative on the "Salesian Sacrament of Presence," organized by the "Work of the Living Tabernacles" Study Center and the Conference of Salesian Provinces of Italy (CISI) Formation sector.

On the introductory day, spotlighting the anniversary of the fourth centenary of the death of St. Francis de Sales, Fr. Morand Wirth SDB, a great expert on the Doctor of God's Love, presented the theme "St. Francis de Sales and the Spirituality of 'Living Tabernacles' in the Jesus of Vera." In comparing the spirituality of St. Francis and that of the Living Tabernacles, the underlying insight lies in both cases on the love of Jesus, so central to both mystical experiences. "There is no other way but Love," Jesus says in one of his messages dictated to Vera Grita. Disappear into the abyss of my immense Love." And among many points of possible comparison Fr. Wirth chose those that seem most significant: the call of love, union with Jesus in the Eucharist, the need for purification, the exercise of charity, spiritual combat, and apostolic mission.

Fr. Silvio Roggia, from the Department of Formation, led the day on Friday 29. Starting from various biblical texts and from the Fathers of the Church, and from several messages of Jesus to Vera Grita, he led a workshop on deepening and internalizing Eucharistic spirituality in one's own life, in the life of the communities, in the desire to nurture the growth of awareness of the Eucharistic Presence in the work of education and evangelization. This methodology was highly appreciated because several inspirational insights and practical suggestions emerged from personal reflection and contemplation and in fraternal discussion to give substance to the "Take me with you," typical of Vera Grita's mystical experience.

The pilgrimage to the Vatican Basilica with the Eucharist celebrated in the Vatican Grottoes at the Tomb of St. Peter and the prayer at the tomb of St. Paul VI embellished the meeting. Paul VI, as Mariarita Scrimieri, Coordinator of the Living Tabernacles Study Center, recalled, holds a central place in the Living Tabernacles' Work not only because his blessing as Supreme Pontiff was indispensable for the establishment of the Work, but also because he was called to be the first Living Tabernacle, the first "stone" of the Work.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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