As the mass of refugees started to arrive from Ukraine, Fr. Béla Ábrahám, director of the Kazincbarcika Salesian House, proposed to register as a shelter with the competent authorities. Shortly after, the Salesians started to gather supplies and domestic appliances to prepare accommodation for the refugees. Thanks to generous offerings, they soon furnished the house with 3 washing machines, 5 refrigerators, and 4 microwave ovens and could start to welcome refugees in the first half of April.
“We were excited to offer shelter for those in need, because this was something we have not done before, and we knew that it would certainly have its challenges. The Catholic parish undertook the task of providing nourishing warm meals every day, right from the beginning,” stated Fr Geza Nadudvari, Provincial Secretary of Hungarian Salesian Province (UNG).
Five families – women and children – have come to Hungary, following the husbands, who started working in Hungary about a year before the war broke out. The second wave of refugees followed two weeks later: three Ukrainian mothers with two children each, who could receive accommodation in the dormitory of the Don Bosco school. Students have moved to the first floor for the time being, while the second and third floors are reserved for the refugees.
Thankfully, many good-willed individuals and organizations have joined to help these refugees: some provide food, pastries, sweets, clothes, or toys as aid, and some offer their time and skills, helping with administration issues or providing medical support.
Most of the refugees welcomed by the Salesians look forward to going back to Ukraine to resume their lives, but those who are not able to go back to their homes – because there is hardly any place to go back to – will have to start over in Hungary.
“The Hungarian Salesian Family will continue to offer all the support that it can to help integrate them into our society and provide a welcoming new home,” Fr Nadudvari added. “Please, join us in prayer to the Holy Spirit to give consolation to those who suffer so much in this time of tribulation, and ask the intercession of Mary, Help of Christians, our Mother, that we may find a new charity in our hearts towards those who are in need.”