The places of Don Bosco's childhood visited by the novices were not a mere backdrop, but an opportunity to further immerse themselves in the history and life of the Congregation to which these young people from all over Europe are learning to become passionate. Such a gathering also allowed them to mix very different languages and cultures, thus reminding them that the Salesian charism started from the Becchi to reach all the countries of the world in a way that is always original, animated nevertheless by the same love for Jesus, Mary Most Holy and the young.
The group then moved to Turin where they visited the "Michele Rua" work in Turin and were able to listen to the testimony of the Rector, Fr. Stefano Mondin, and some collaborators and employees involved in the pastoral project. On this occasion it became evident how the co-responsibility and synodality of all Salesian groups, consecrated and lay, is fundamental for a full realization of the mission, which is increasingly enriched by the active presence of different vocations.
The perfect conclusion to these truly grace-filled days was the participation in the celebrations for Mary Help of Christians in Valdocco. The many services performed by the novices allowed them to experience the faith and love of the pilgrims for the patroness of the Congregation and to experience the unique emotion of that devout prayer that since the days of the first Oratory has earned prodigious graces for Don Bosco and his children.
One of the greatest gifts was the meeting with the Rector Major, who responded with familiarity and trust to the questions posed by the novices, drawing on his visits to the various Salesian works scattered all over the world and his own particular life experience, giving them important insights into their future as consecrated men within a Congregation that is increasingly international and involved in mission.
Summing up the Rector Major's message, those words that Fr. Ángel Fernández Artime addressed to them at the beginning of the meeting will remain etched in the novices' memories: "Be generous Salesians, who give everything for the young, tired, but with a full heart!"