Both Fr Costa and Fr García Morcuende spoke in the second session of the course, entitled "New digital technologies and didactic integrations to the Teaching of the Catholic Religion" which took place yesterday, Thursday 2 December 2021.
Fr Costa, has long years of experience in religious publishing some of which he spent as the Director of the Vatican Publishing House (LEV) for 10 years. He spoke on ‘The challenges of online religious publishing for scholastic formation’, focusing in particular on the delicate service of religious publishing for the training of Catholic teachers. Fr García Morcuende, with his background in educational and pastoral service, spoke on ‘Religious education and Young People in Europe: Salesian Pastoral Commitment for Schools’, outlining the state of the art and several viable paths for the future.
The course is aimed at continuous learning by Teachers of Catholic Religion, in accordance with the directives issued by the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) regarding professional updating. As the Team of the Theological Institute “San Tommaso” (ITST) of Messina said: "In view of the current demand for in-depth knowledge of the new digital technologies, which have fully entered the human learning framework of school-going children, and also in view of the MIUR regulations aimed at the dissemination of skills relating to computational thinking among teachers and, in particular, those relating to coding, it seemed appropriate to launch a study week on this subject.”
In particular, the general purpose of the event is expressed in the following dimensions:
a) understanding of the basic concepts about computational thinking and coding
b) practical application of basic knowledge to the management of schoolwork with students
c) management of teaching by competence in informatics
d) didactic evaluation and self-evaluation of one's skills in the subject area.
Along with these, the capacity to deploy symbolic and cultural language in digital ambiance was also added.
“At the end of the course,” added the course directors, “teachers shall be stimulated to a continuous personalized learning, based on their self-assessment in this important area of professional development,” concluded Fr. Antonino Romano, Professor of Catechetics of the ITST & Director of the “G. Cravotta” National Catechetical Observatory of the Center for Religious Pedagogy and editor of the magazine “Catechesi. Nuova Serie" (Catechesis: New Series).