RMG – Meeting of the Social Communication and Mission Animation Teams of the Mediterranean Region

29 October 2021

(ANS - Rome) - On Wednesday and Thursday, October 27-28, the Social Communication and Mission Animation teams of the Mediterranean Region - including the Salesian Provinces of Italy, Spain, Portugal and the Middle East - met digitally in the presence of the General Councillors of the two Sectors, respectively Fr Gildasio Mendes and Fr Alfred Maravilla.

The meeting was attended by all those in charge of Social Communication and Mission Animation of the Provinces of the Region with the National Coordinators.

The first day was a moment of mutual acquaintance, strengthened by working in mixed groups on the documents presented by the two Councilors: Fr Gildasio Mendes’ report focused on communicating Christ today in a complex society and trying to go beyond the set patterns. His accent on the presence of art, painting, theater both in the digital and the real world was one of the many significant points offered. On the other hand, Fr Alfred Maravilla's intervention centered on the connection with the mentality of Millennials and Generation Z.

On the second day, there was plenty of time to work in groups and by province of origin. Each working group - Social Communication and Mission Animation - was first able to share what struck them most about the documents presented the day before and the good practices that have already been developed in their respective realities.

The second part of the group work saw the meeting of those responsible for Social Communication and Mission Animation, divided this time by province of origin: the themes of the discussion, in these cases, were how to follow up on the common work begun in this meeting, what are the points of sharing and what are the obstacles to overcome in order to think of a possible path to follow together.

With the greetings and thanks of the two General Councillors and the blessing of the Rector of the Basilica of Mary Help of Christians in Turin, Fr Michele Viviano, connected from Turin, the first meeting that set out a common path between the two sectors in the Region concluded.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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