The concelebrating bishops in the Mass were Msgr. Héctor Vargas, from Temuco; Msgr. Tomás González, bishop emeritus of Punta Arenas; Msgr. Jorge Concha, auxiliary bishop of Santiago. A great number of priests and deacons of the archdiocese of Santiago and of various religious congregations was also present, as well as Salesians of different communities, led by the Provincial, Fr. Alberto Lorenzelli, and many faithful who gathered for the Eucharist of Reparation.
The Mass, which was celebrated in the evening of Saturday, June 11th, was attended by about two thousand people who gathered in the rejection of the act committed by some hooded young people during a students’ march on Thursday, June 9th. In this regard, the Primate of the Catholic Church in Chile, Card. Ezzati, affirmed that we must work to help the young not to live in hatred. “My opinion is that the best law is an education of quality, that begins in the family, grows at school and finds in society a stimulus for the formation of people”.
Card. Ezzati also recalled the present shortcomings in society: “we are greatly lacking in civic friendship, we look at one another as mad people and not as brethren or as people who share the same ideal, the same purpose”.
Fr. Lorenzelli, on his behalf, sent a message to the youth who took and destroyed the Crucifix of “Gratitud Nacional”: “from our part, there are feelings of forgiveness, of encounter and dialogue”.
In his homily, the Cardinal also regretted that the honest desire of many young people ended up in the attack to other rights. Nevertheless, he invoked forgiveness: “Lord, forgive them, because they do not know what they are doing”.