By Sébastien Robert, SDB
According to the Regulations of the Salesian Congregation, this "special visit" offers the possibility to the Salesians to feel that they really belong to a global community. In his personal encounter with each Salesian, the Councillor was able to demonstrate the attention of the Congregation for the individual religious and reiterate the importance and meaning of community life for Salesians.
In the course of his visit Fr Rozmus addressed a significant question: "where are you going in the Province of France-South Belgium? He invited the Salesians to look to the future and not to be nostalgic for the past. "The past has brought us to today's situation. But today should inspire us for the future. The promised land is the future to which we are going."
On 21 May in Lyon, during his presentation of the report of the visit, he reminded the confreres of the importance of seeking the action of the Holy Spirit: "Without the Spirit, we will do very little for society and the world today."
On 24 May, in the parish of St John Bosco in Paris, the National Shrine of the Salesians in France, he presided at the Mass of the Feast of Mary Help of Christians, in the presence of many members of the Salesian Family.
Then, in a video interview after the celebration, Fr Rozmus sent a message to the Salesian Family asking all its members to remain united and help each other to develop the Salesian charism in the Province.
And to the young he said: "without you, the young, the Salesian charism does not make sense! I thank you for being present with us in seeking happiness, especially that of the heart. Because the future does not depend on us Salesians, but on you, the young people. "