Turin, Italy - July 2016 - On 20 May 2017, the Secular Institute of the Volunteers of Don Bosco (VDB), will celebrate the first centenary of its foundation by the third successor of Don Bosco, Fr Philip Rinaldi. In preparation for this important event, 170 VDB from over 30 countries around the world, gathered in Turin for a few days of spiritual retreat from 17 to 22 July. They visited all the Salesian places in the footsteps of Don Bosco and Don Rinaldi.
Katowice, Poland - July 2016 - The youth delegation from Croatia arrived in the diocese of Katowickiej in Katowice, Poland, a city not far from Krakow. Accommodation for WYD participants is being prepared across the region, within a radius of 70-80 km.
Cape Town, South Africa - July, 2016. Fourteen Salesians of the Vice Province of Southern Africa (AFM), participated in the second annual retreat, led for the first time by the Salesian Brother, Clarence Watts.
Dimapur, India - July 2016 - On 18 and 19 July, the Second Annual Sports Meeting was organized by the Catholic Youth Movement of the Holy Cross-Dimapur, with the participation of 18 teams from various parts of the region. The Salesian College of Dimapur had distinguished itself by taking first place in the volleyball tournament and second place in the basketball games while two players of their respective teams were rated as the best.