Bolivia – August 2024 - Our Lady of Copacabana Province Bolivia (BOL) receives a visit from Fr Hugo Orozco, Councillor for the Interamerica Region. Bolivia is one of the 18 countries of the Interamerica Region visited by the Councillor. During his stay in the country, from August to September, Fr Orozco will visit all the Salesians of Don Bosco works. For two months he will have to feel the pulse of the development of the pastoral mission and of the work of collaboration between lay people and Salesians. The first city that the Councillor visited was Santa Cruz where he had meetings, talks and conversations, especially with young people involved in the charism of the speakers, youth centres and schools of Don Bosco. Towards the end of August, Fr Orozco had an interview with the staff working at the provincial headquarters, underlining that his goal is to listen, converse, accompany and encourage the work of the Salesians in the works. A job that allows Bolivia to connect with the Rector Major and his Council. With his close and cheerful presence, Fr Orozco motivated those present to continue working, to think big, to think about the future. In addition, he invited them to take a step forward in the vocational options of the Salesian Family and above all to maintain the joy that characterises the Salesian charism.
Luanda, Angola – August 2024 - After finishing their aspirantate, on 22 August, 27 young people from the Salesian Mamã Muxima Vice-Province in Angola (ANG) began their stage of preparation for the Novitiate in the Maria Auxiliadora formation house in Dondo. The opening celebration of the Prenovitiate was held in the Chapel at the Prenovitiate Community led by Fr Victor Sequeira, Superior of the ANG Vice-Province, accompanied by the rector of the community, Fr Domingos Chimuco, in the presence of the entire Salesian community. The 27 prenovices will be accompanied directly by the prenovitiate coordinator, Fr Luís Sacâmica. On 27 August, 19 Salesians from the ANG Vice-Province began the novitiate phase of Salesian formation with the ceremony held in the Chapel at the Sacred Heart of Jesus Novitiate, presided over by Fr Victor Sequeira, accompanied by the novice director, Fr Joaquim Maurício, the rector of the community, Fr Romão Mascarenhas and the other members of the Salesian community. The Novitiate is located in the province of Cuanza-Sul, in the municipality of Libolo – Calulo and has been welcoming novices since 2020.
Siliguri, India – August 2024 - In the wake of the 29th edition of the acclaimed "Bosco Fest" in North Bengal in the Siliguri Darjeeling district, the first "Bosco Fizza 2024" in the Dooars region of North Bengal brought together ten schools for a day of talent exhibition. The full-day programme held on 24 August brought together around 1,200 students for a lively celebration of culture, unity and talent, featuring 15 cultural events. The rector and principal of Don Bosco School Oodlabari in the district of Jalpaiguri said, “The introduction of the inaugural edition of the ‘Bosco Fizza 2024’ proved to be a platform for Siliguri and Dooars students to come together, showcase their talents and celebrate diversity.” The main guest, the principal of the Don Bosco School Siliguri, Fr V.C. Jose, presented the prizes to the winners.
Turin, Italy – August 2024 - From 19 to 28 August, leaders and altar servers from Suwalki, which includes the oratory, youth centre and parish, and which belongs to the Province of Warsaw, Poland (PLE), travelled to Italy to visit the places of Don Bosco in Turin, and other cities such as Venice, Milan and Padua. The young people were led by the parish priest, Fr Marek Gryn, by the head of the Oratory, Fr Michele Słojewskie and by the man in charge of the altar servers, Fr Aleksandro Mastalerz. After the cultural visits to Venice and Milan, the group arrived in Turin where they visited the Pinardi house, the first Salesian oratory in Valdocco, the Basilica of Mary Help of Christians, the church of San Francis de Sales and celebrated Mass in the house where Don Bosco died. In Turin, the group also had the opportunity to visit the historic centre and pray before the Holy Shroud. At the Becchi, on Colle Don Bosco, the young people learned about the conditions in which the young John Bosco grew up, where he worked hard and where his vocation matured; they also visited the house where Dominic Savio lived. The group also visited the city of Padua.