Nairobi, Kenya - April 2016 - The Chapter of the East Africa Province (AFE) began on 11 April with an address by Bishop Maurice Makumba Muhatia, of Nakuru. The Chapter moderator is Fr Sebastian Koladiyil and 48 chapter members are taking part.
Hong Kong, China - April 2016 - About 30 staff members of the Salesian schools of the Province of China took part in a two-day meeting on the Strenna for 2016, to learn to be "servant-guides" in the Salesian mission. The participants studied the qualities of a leader in the Salesian spirit, through various activities and reflections. They also shared poignant and meaningful experiences from their places of work and received a word of encouragement from the Provincial, Fr Lanfranco Fedrigotti. He said that it is mainly the lay collaborators who make the Salesian mission alive and concrete in the schools.
Ciudad Delgado, San Salvador - April 2016 - Representatives of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Don Bosco University (UDB) have inaugurated a scientific camp called "Model Science Camp", to encourage female high school students to undertake university courses in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. 25 pupils in the year 2016 and the same number in 2017 will follow four modules on Renewable Energy, Mechanics, Robotics and Electronics. The camp will take place on the campus of the UDB Ciudadela Don Bosco. The Rector of Don Bosco, Jose Humberto Flores, says that this initiative is inspired by the Salesian charism to prepare women for work and expand their horizon of opportunities and improve their quality of life.
Port-au-Prince, Haiti - April 2016 - The Chapter of the Salesian Vice-Province of Haiti (HAI) was held from 28 March to 2 April. 26 chapter members took part.