Australia – Provincial Fr Matthews confers ministries of Lector and Acolyte
Melbourne, Australia - April 2018 - On April 20, Fr Will Maththews, Provincial of the Australia-Pacific Province (AUL), conferred the Ministry of Lectureship to the cleric Daniel Rafanomezantsoa, ”ad gentes” missionary of Madagascar, and the Ministry of Acolyte to cleric Kitichai Saisawang, of the Thailand Province.
- Australia - Diaconal ordination in Melbourne
- Australia - St. Mary's Don Bosco Youth Center: 25 years assisting young people in need
- Australia - Salesian Cardinal Bo visits house of international formation
- Australia - Youth meeting "OzBosco 2018"
- Australia - A Salesian team wins "Brotherhood Cup"
- ‘In whom there is no Guile’
- Australia – Scripture scholar starts Lectio Divina Podcast
- Fiji Islands - First five Salesian Professions
- Australia - Don Bosco Festival and inauguration of new Provincial
- Australia - 2018 as “Year of Youth”