Madagascar - Meeting of Salesian Coadjutors
Fianarantsoa, Madagascar - November 2017 - On the occasion of the Blessed Artemis Zatti, November 13, seven young Salesian coadjutors, out of the 17 Salesians in formation, met with the director of the house of Fianarantsoa. In the Madagascar Vice Province, the number of vocations of Salesian Coadjutors is beginning to grow.
- Madagascar - Don Bosco Festival
- Madagascar - Salesian Family of Fianarantsoa delves into Rector Major's Strenna 2018
- Madagascar - Don Bosco Oratory playground rides in San Donà di Piave rebuilt in Bemaneviky
- Madagascar - Meeting of the Regional Formation Commission of Africa and Madagascar
- Madagascar - Little gestures of charity to improve the lives of the poor
- Madagascar - Persevering in good, even in a climate of insecurity
- Madagascar – From the slums of the past to new opportunity at Clairvaux
- Mauritius - Fr Heriberto Cabrera: "it is likely that, God willing, I will stay on the island another while."