Italy - "Oratory On the Road" thanks to Salesian Cooperators
Grottaferrata, Italy - October 29, 2017 - At the end of October, the project "Oratorio on the road" was launched in the pastoral unit of Grottaferrata, near Rome, which aims to raise children in the style of Don Bosco. The initiative was launched by several Salesian Cooperators of the “Sacro Cuore” parish, one of three constituting the pastoral unit which until the 1960s was a Salesian parish; now diocesan, it has maintained the charism.
- Italy - 2018 Children's Summer Festival
- Italy - An oratory in step with the times: Fr Maschio's recipe
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- Italy - There once was, and there still is, the oratory
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- Italy - The Lighthouse has switched on
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- Italy - Spiritual Exercises for Italy's Delegates and Salesian Cooperators
- El Salvador - "Terre des Jeunes": an association for street children
- Italy - The role of oratories today
- Japan - Salesian Cooperators on the move
- Poland - Retreat for Salesian Cooperators
- Italy - 50 years of Salesian oratory at Santeramo
- Costa Rica - Four new members of the Association of Salesian Cooperators
- Italy - Don Bosco’s thousand playgrounds