Kenya - Installation of Fr Simon Asira as New Provincial of East Africa
Nairobi, Kenya - August 5, 2017 – Acting as representative of the Rector Major, Fr Américo Chaquisse, Councilor for the Africa-Madagascar region, presided at the Eucharist at the Shrine of Mary Help of Christians in Nairobi-Upper Hill, during which Fr Simon Asira was celebrated as the new Provincial of the Salesian Province of East Africa. "Today we are witness to the passage of leadership of this Province of Salesian Missionaries to the local Salesians themselves. It's a sign of maturity and growth," said Fr Chaquisse on the occasion.
- Kenya - Team Visit to Salesian "Africa-Madagascar" region begins
- Kenya - Over 500 participants at 2017 Youth Forum
- South Sudan - A course on journalism and radio for Tonj's young
- Tanzania - East Africa Provincial and part of his Council in a car crash
- Belgium - New Provincial of Northern Belgium takes office
- United States - New Provincial of New Rochelle Province takes office
- Cameroon - Induction of new Superior of ATE Vice Province
- Portugal – Appointment of new Salesian Inspector, Fr José Aníbal Mendonça
- D.R. Congo – Appoinment of new Central African Provincial
- RMG – Appointment of the New Provincial of East Africa (AFE)