Brazil – Creation of “St. John Bosco” University Parish
Campo Grande, Brazil – May 2017 – On the occasion of the feast of Mary Help of Christians, in the church of the Don Bosco Catholic University (UCDB), there was the Creation of “St. John Bosco” University Parish. Among those present, there were Msgr. Dimas Lara Barbosa, Archbishop of Campo Grande, Msgr. Janusz Marian Danecki, Auxiliary Bishop and Msgr. Vitório Pavanello, SDB, Archbishop Emeritus, Fr. Gildásio Santos, SDB, Provincial of Campo Grande and numerous Salesians and young people.
- Brazil - Salesian student Finalist at "Good Example Prize"
- Brazil - Salesian Euller da Silva ordained priest by Msgr. Edmilson Tadeu Canavarros dos Santos, SDB
- Brazil - The 2nd Vocational Meeting of Ministrants of the Campo Grande Province
- Brazil - Celebration of the 100th anniversary of Our Lady of Fatima in the Xavante village
- Brazil - Salesians celebrate Indigenous Week
- Brazil - 300 young people at the Vigil of Mercy
- Brazil – Meeting of the National Council Meeting of the SYM