India - Youth Ministry Seminar led by Fr Attard
Nashik, India - February 2017 - On 24 and 25 February, Fr Fabio Attard, Councillor General for Youth Ministry, conducted a seminar in Nashik which was attended by all the formation personnel of the student community in Divyadaan, 60 students of Philosophy and 18 practical trainees. Starting with the Framework of Reference for Salesian Youth Ministry, Fr Attard invited the Salesians to reflect on their vocational journey and the situation of young people globally. He urged them to study the criteria, choices and models of Salesian Youth Ministry.
- India - 375 women and children receive school supplies and clothes
- India – First Professions of 5 SDBs and 8 FMAs
- India – Launch of Fr Chrys Saldanha's book "Challenges in Salesian Life Today"
- India - A campaign for water
- India - Over 1,400 women participating in the Women's Day: 493 benefit from the free medical camp
- India - Race for Peace in the city, in India and around the world
- India - A seminar on the studies of children of migrant construction workers
- India - The State of Gujarat honours Don Bosco
- India – Symbios 2016: Connect, Celebrate and Commit
- India - Formation Programme for Salesian Cooperators
- India – Don Bosco Matunga: where basketball stars coach the children
- India – Extraordinary Visitation of The Salesian Province of Mumbai concludes