Ecuador - The Salesian Polytechnic University opens a photographic exhibition ‘Like Don Bosco: Missionaries of Hope’ at its Quito campus
Quito, Ecuador - January 2025 - The El Girón campus of the Salesian Polytechnic University (UPS), headquarters in Quito, presented the photographic exhibition ‘Like Don Bosco: Missionaries of Hope’, an event highlighting the educational, social and evangelising work carried out by the Salesians in the country since their arrival in 1888. The exhibition presented the fundamental pillars of the Salesian mission, highlighting their work in different regions of Ecuador and their commitment to the integral education of children and young people in vulnerable situations. Through a careful selection of images, the fruits of this work were shown, particularly in Amazonian, indigenous and Afro-descendent communities, highlighting the transformative impact of the Salesian charism. The exhibition was opened by Archbishop Andrés Carrascosa, Apostolic Nuncio in Ecuador; Fr Marcelo Farfán, Provincial of the Salesians in Ecuador; Dr María Sol Villagómez, Vice-Rector of the Quito campus; Fr Marcelo Coronel, Director of University ministry at the UPS; Angélica Almeida, Delegate of the Historical Archives of the Salesians of Ecuador; and Nataly Orbe, Director of the Abya-Yala Museum. All agreed to emphasise the historical and cultural relevance of the Salesian mission in the country. This travelling event pays tribute to the charism of Don Bosco, whose educational methodology based on the Preventive System continues to be a source of inspiration in the pedagogical and social spheres. The exhibition, which left a deep impression on visitors, illustrates how the Salesian mission for over 135 years has been transforming people's lives, sowing hope and building a better future for the new generation.
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