Ecuador – Second day of the International Theological Symposium
Quito, Ecuador – September 2024 – The second day of the International Theological Symposium began with the Eucharist presided over by Bishop David De La Torre, SS.CC., Auxiliary Bishop of Quito, in the Maria Ausiliatrice Parish of El Girón. Subsequently, conferences were held that addressed several topics: "From brothers to enemies" by Dr. Vitória De Carli; "Called to reconciliation" by P. Damian Howard, SJ; "Eucharist: source and summit of fraternity" by Fr Pablo Blanco and finally "Eucharistic devotions and popular piety" by Dr. Rodrigo Guerra. This Symposium brings together men and women religious and lay people interested in the study of the Eucharist and the relationship of the Christian faith with social reality, in a spirit of fraternity.
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