Brazil – Cáceres' youthful expressions gather for a formation meeting

06 September 2024

Cáceres, Brazil – August 2024 – The Salesian Youth Movement (SYM) in Cáceres on 31 August gave rise to a meeting with the youthful expressions of the Salesian presence in the city. The aim was to integrate and mutually support the different groups of young people who identify with Salesian youth spirituality. The SYM seeks to promote synergy between groups, providing joint action representative of the local mission, in order to meet the expectations and needs of young people in the current context. The event was attended by young students of the Salesian Santa Maria College, teachers, collaborators and faithful from the Salesian Holy Trinity Parish, including members of oratoriess, groups of altar servers and acolytes, youth ministry and other youth groups. The meeting was organised by Salesians, Aspirants and young leaders from the Salesian presence. During the day, the participants had times for spirituality, formation, Holy Mass, group dynamics, missionary sending of the participants to their respective groups and movements. The election of the Local SYM Council also took place. The Rector of the Salesian community, Fr Lauro Takaki Shinohara, and the Principal of the Salesian Santa Maria College, Salesian Brother Antônio Teixeira, also accompanied the young people with great dedication during the meeting. In the afternoon, those present had fun with games, swimming pool, music and dances, promoting coexistence and integration between the different participating groups.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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