DR Congo – Spiritual Exercises for the Salesians in the AFC-East Delegation
Goma, DR Congo – July 2024 - On Saturday 6 July, thirty-four Salesians of Don Bosco from the St Joseph Delegation of the AFC-EST and two Daughters of Mary Help of Christians (FMA) from Goma completed their annual spiritual exercises. It was a retreat full of teachings and characterised by a warm fraternal atmosphere. The Rector Major Emeritus led the retreat, also involving the Superior of the Province of Central Africa (AFC), Fr Guillermo Basañes. The central theme of the retreat was "Being Don Bosco for today's young people". Fr Chávez developed this theme and focused his teaching on the Encyclicals and Apostolic Exhortations of Pope Francis and the dreams of Don Bosco.
- DR Congo – An appeal for unity and solidarity in the Salesian Family of Don Bosco Ngangi
- DR Congo – Canonical erection of the Salesian Mamma Margaret Community in Goma
- DR Congo - Promise of twenty-seven new Salesian Cooperators from the AFC-EST St Joseph Delegation
- DR Congo – Formation of members of the AFC-EST Delegation's Salesian Family Advisory Council
- Democratic Republic of Congo – “The Congolese people, by their nature, are a people of hope”
- DR Congo – The delivery of foodstuffs brings relief to displaced families in the Ngangi Camp
- DR Congo – Fr George Menamparampil concludes his visit to the Central East Africa Salesian Delegation of Saint Joseph
- DR Congo - Solemnity of Mary Help of Christians celebrated at Don Bosco Ngangi in Goma
- Democratic Republic of the Congo – Raising awareness among the children at the Salesian houses in Gahinja and "Maison Marguerite" on the rights of women and minors
- Democratic Republic of the Congo – The Rector Major expresses his closeness to the Salesian Family and the People of God in Goma