Poland - Nearly two hundred young people attend the Salesian Animators School of the Wrocław Province

03 July 2024

Tarnowskie Góry, Poland - June 2024 - About 200 young people from the Wrocław Province (PLO) met for almost a week to take part in the School for Salesian Animators (SAS), the Ceremonies Course and the Course for Readers. During this intense event they learned how to be animators of the Salesian spirit and how to organise and live the liturgy well. The SAS is divided into four levels: in Level I, the youngest participants learned how to lead Salesian integration games. Level II introduces Salesian spirituality and the secrets of Holy Scripture. Level III is the acquisition of skills in scripture writing, devotions and serene evenings. Level IV consists mainly of meetings on safety, prevention and protection of minors in our oratories, a first aid course and a recreational educator course. An important element of this week's meeting was the Course for Readers and the Course for Ushers. The young people learned the secrets of conducting ceremonies, focusing especially on the liturgy of the Easter Triduum and studying the liturgical book containing the prayers, regulations of ceremonies and rites celebrated by Popes, Bishops and Abbots (Pontificals). The meeting was organised by Fr Mikołaj Wyczalek SDB, Delegate for Youth and Vocational Ministry in the PLO Province. The Salesian past pupils of the Wrocław Province also gathered in Tarnowskie Góry for their formation day with conferences, Eucharist and integration.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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