Kenya – AFE Provincial Chapter: Serving Young People with More Love and Dedication

10 June 2024

Nairobi, Kenya – June 2024 - The Provincial Chapter of the East African Province (AFE), took place from 2 to 7 June, ending on 8 June with the celebration of the Provincial Community Day. There were 41 Chapter members and six observers: two SDBs, an FMA, an SMI (Sisters of Mary Immaculate), president of the Salesian Cooperators and a representative of ADMA. The Chapter focused on the theme of GC29 and its three core areas. The assembly began with entertainment by students from the project for vulnerable children run by the Salesians in Nairobi, followed by a moment of prayer. The next day, the Metropolitan Archbishop of Nairobi, Archbishop Philip Anyolo, celebrated the Eucharist. Various topics of religious life in Africa and its challenges were discussed every day. On the last day, the Apostolic Nuncio in Kenya and South Sudan, Archbishop Hubertus van Megen, celebrated Mass. On the same day, the final document was read and approved, corrected and improved by the assembly. At the end of the Provincial Chapter, each participant was satisfied with the work and the Salesians of the AFE Province renewed their commitment to dedicate themselves to Don Bosco's preventive system with more love and dedication for young people.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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