Mexico – The Salesian Family in Puebla experience a joyful Feast of Mary Help of Christians
Puebla, Mexico – May 2024 - Saturday, 25 May, the San Miguel Arcángel Community – whose headquarters is the former Aspirant, Prenovitiate, Teaching College and Higher School of the Juan Ponce de León Institute, in the city of Puebla – was the setting in which the members of the different groups of the local Salesian Family (SF) happily celebrated the long-awaited feast of Mary Help of Christians, which was celebrated joyfully throughout Mexico and the world on 24 May. They were called together by Fr Juan Aarón Cerezo Huerta, Delegate for the Salesian Family in the Salesian Province of Mexico City (MEM) and Rector of the San Miguel Community, who coordinated the day of activity in honour of Don Bosco's Madonna.
- Mexico – The Vicar of the Rector Major, Fr Stefano Martoglio visits Casa Zatti
- Mexico – Visit of the Vicar of the Rector Major to MEM Province
- Mexico - 9th National Meeting of School Principals of the Salesians and of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians
- Mexico – Meeting of the Agents of Youth Pastoral Care of the works of the Salesian Province of Mexico City-Mexico
- Mexico – Meeting of Rectors in the Salesian Province of Mexico City
- Mexico - A week dedicated to the Formation of the Formators 2024
- Mexico - Retreat: "Educators and Pastors for young people in today's world
- Mexico - Meeting of parents of pupils from the Salesian Schools Network in Mexico: "Salesian Families in Action for Education"
- Mexico - Camp Juanitos 2023, MEM Province "We are the bearers of a dream"
- Mexico - The arrival of young people from the International Volunteer Service from the Salesian Province of Ecuador
- Mexico - Fr Gabriel Romero on an Extraordinary Visitation to the Interprovincial Theologate in Tlaquepaque
- Mexico – "Campo Bosco" 2023 in view of the bicentenary of the Dream at nine years of age
- Mexico - Formation meeting for the rectors of Salesian works in the MEM Province
- Mexico - Pilgrimage to the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe