Ecuador – Salesian prenovices successfully complete the first phase of formation in "Salesian Communication"

06 March 2024

Ecuador – March 2024 - Since October 2023, seven Salesian prenovices have participated in the Initial Communication Module, which consisted of 20 sessions of two hours each. A  series of fundamental topics were addressed during the training course such as: communication in a Salesian presence, the role of the Salesian communicator, the relationship between communication and the Bible, verbal and non-verbal communication, spelling and journalistic genres. The main objective is to expore the study of communication as something that runs across all of the Salesian educational and evangelising mission, deepening the knowledge of the figure of Don Bosco the "communicator" in order to grasp its essential qualities. During the session, tools were provided for young Salesian prenovices to acquire a critical use of social networks, as well as understanding the importance of digital identity and the possibilities offered by Artificial Intelligence. Thanks to the course they now have the ability to create scripts, record and edit short videos using video editors, design graphics and use online Artificial Intelligence applications to generate content and images. At the end of the module, the participants presented their final projects, receiving comments and congratulations from the team made up of Tatiana Capelo, Provincial Delegate for Communication, and Cristian Calderón, Marco Padilla and Fernanda Vasco, members of the Salesian Communication Office (CSO) team. The topics addressed through their products were: intercultural evangelisation in the Amazon missions, the active role of young people with respect to Don Bosco's childhood Dream and the need to make consecrated life visible from its initial phase.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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