Italy – "The Salesian mission in the coming years": meeting of Rectors from the Central Circumscription, Italy

08 January 2024

Rome, Italy – January 2024 – On January 4 and 5 at the headquarters of the Salesian Central Italy Circumscription (ICC), Rectors met to discuss "The Salesian mission in the coming years". The first day was led by Fr Emanuele De Maria, Delegate for Youth Ministry, with a particular focus on the reworking of the ICC Provincial Salesian Educative and Pastoral Project (SEPP) in the coming years. The work proposed to the Rectors is part of a broader process that has been designed as a concrete way to ensure the maximum involvement of each of the strengths of the Province: the individual Educative and Pastoral Communities (EPCs), the Commissions, the Mission Team, the Rectors and then it will be the turn of the Mission Consultative group and the Provincial Council. The meeting represented a fundamental junction in the process of developing the new SEPP. The fruit of the work of the past months has been delivered into the hands of the Rectors involved in the work, through personal study, group discussion, sharing. The second day of work was focused on the question: "What lay Salesian for today's young people?", a necessary in-depth study, starting from the Provincial Formation Project, of the formation processes in place in the individual EPCs. Divided by settings, they discussed the formation experiences in place at the local level, and started a more particular reflection on the gradualness of lay involvement starting from the laity in their own house.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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