Myanmar - "Christmas Games Festival"
Anisakan, Myanmar – December 2023 - During the Christmas period, the Salesian novitiate community organised games in three places for children from the surrounding areas. Among these, the most important took place at the shrine of Mary Help of Christians, Nazareth-Anisakan, which was attended by about 200 youngsters from the oratory. After the opening prayer, Don Bosco Nyi Nyi, SDB, Superior of the Salesian Vice-Province of Myanmar (MYM), addressed a short Christmas message to the crowd. Then various games took place. At the end of the day, all participants were offered refreshments. Prizes and gifts were also awarded to all the winners of the games. The children were very happy and felt at home, because they had experienced the spirit of Family thanks to the joy of the clerics and Salesian novices.
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