Ecuador - Meeting of Mission Animation Delegates from the Interamerica Region
Cumbayá, Ecuador - October 2023 - A meeting of Mission Animation Delegates (DIAM) from the Interamerica Region took place from 13 to 15 October at the San Patricio Spirituality Centre. Fr Marcelo Farfán, Provincial of Ecuador, celebrated the opening Mass and Fr Hernán Darío Carmona, coordinator of Missionary Animation for the Interamerica Region and Missionary Animation Delegate for the Province of Colombia-Medellín (COM), welcomed the participants, including Fr Reginaldo Cordeiro, a member of the Missions Sector at Headquarters. The main objective of the meeting was to strengthen the processes and the path of discernment of DIAMs in pastoral planning for the mission and to provide tools to facilitate the accompaniment and formation of groups and Provinces; to evaluate and provide feedback regarding the Regional Plan in the processes that are carried out and to raise awareness of the importance of formation of DIAMs.
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