(ANS – Udine) – From the beginning of February till the end of May, Fr. Stefano Martoglio, Councillor of the Salesian Mediterranean Region, is busy doing an Extraordinary Visitation, on behalf of the Rector Major, in the Province of “Italy North-East” (INE). During his stay at the “great Salesian house” of Bearzi in Udine, the Regional Councillor gave an interview in which he also spoke of the significance of the his life as Regional Councillor and of the hope Don Bosco gives him
(ANS - Inharrime) - Sister Lucilia Teixeira Monteiro is a Portuguese Daughter of Mary Help of Christians (FMA). For 42 years she has been a missionary in Mozambique. Since 2004 she has been working at Inharrime with orphaned children and young people who are being educated in the faith and for life. "Our children do not have parents, but they have found a family, they are happy to have us and we are happy to have them, because the Salesian life has meaning only because they exist," she says.