(ANS – Fatumaca) – “The time in East Timor has been so extraordinary to me that I can hardly put it in only a few words”. This words come from Simon Mühlbauer, a German Don Bosco Volunteer 19 years old, graduated from German High school with the Abitur (Matric) and ready to start university next September. Here he share his knowledge, experience and life as a volunteer in Fatumaca, East Timor.

(ANS - Mexico City) - When 3 years ago he accepted the appointment of Rector Major, Fr Ángel Fernández Artime, had a goal: to visit the Salesian presence across the globe. So now he is witness to the current state of the Salesian Family.

(ANS - Rome) - He has been President of Caritas Europa for nearly 3 years, bishop  of Gent (Belgium) for more than 13 years, and a priest for over 46; and yet, had it not been for an unexpected visit from a distant  missionary granduncle  based in China, who knows what the life path of Mgr. Luc Van Looy, SDB, might have been. Years later, the Salesian  Bishop,  former vicar of the Rector Major between 1996 and 2003, looks back on his life to see "the silent guidance of God", and he has collected the results of this research in a book-interview he presented to the Rector Major.

(ANS - Montevideo) - "As young people change, so too must we be pilgrims." "Ever-changing", "mobile": is how the 47-year-old Mr. Ariel Fresia, Salesian Brother originally of Cordoba, Argentina, describes today's young people. For him, young people are "subjectivity under construction". New words to define the same old truths? According to him, an expert in youth ministry, these are new terms for describing a universe that is also new, young and complex.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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