(ANS - Honiara) - Anthony Wale is a young man from the Solomon Islands, currently a Salesian pre-novitiate in Cebu, Southern Philippines. The vocational journey he has begun with the Salesians is the result of an individual quest, but also testimony from several Salesian missionaries in his native land. This is his vocational narrative.
(ANS - Brazzaville) - While in different parts of the Salesian world, the Provinces are being merged for a number of reasons, in Africa, a new hope for Salesian life begins thanks to the creation of the new "Africa Congo Congo" (ACC) Vice Province. To learn more about this new Salesian reality, ANS interviewed Fr Manuel Jiménez, the first ACC Provincial.
(ANS - Rukago) – "'It is enough for you to be young for me to love you very much,' this is the phrase of Don Bosco I most prefer," says Fr Jean Paul Ndayikengurutse, a Salesian priest of Burundi. "I'm a priest with a young spirit. I love to play and chat, listen to and share the problems of so many young people who come to our community." Today, Fr Jean Paul's mission is to live and apply the Preventive System with the young people of Rukago, Burundi.