(ANS – Tainan) – At 82, Br Savio Wong is one of the senior Salesian Brothers of the China Province. He spent most of his Salesian life in the mechanics department of a technical school. At present, he is part of the dynamic Tainan community in Tainan and he took part in almost all six of the Salesian Brother Congresses in the history of the East Asia-Oceania Region.
(ANS - Ivato) - "In all the work I've done, I've tried to spend myself for the good of these poor children and the people of the place where I was. (...) I am still amazed today, talking with the children, in discovering their ways of seeing things, of reasoning, of understanding family relationships. But I am ever more convinced that the Gospel of Jesus and the Charism of Don Bosco are for them, too." Over thirty years of mission have not affected or dampened the missionary enthusiasm of Fr Erminio De Santis, an Italian Salesian, a disciple of Don Bosco among the children and young people of Madagascar.
(ANS - Madrid) - "No careerism, no comfort zone, no worries for oneself... This is not the image, neither the reality, nor the language of the Salesians of Don Bosco...," so says Fr Ángel Fernández Artime, Rector Major, speaking clearly as the person responsible for the second largest male religious congregation in the world, with 15,000 consecrated persons, a thousand less than the Jesuits.