(ANS - Quito) - Gonzalo Peralta, originally from Talca, Chile, left his job and decided to go to Ecuador to volunteer to work with the street children of "Casa Don Rúa". He will stay there for about ten months, a time during which he hopes to "become a model for them and to support them in whatever they need."
(ANS – Busan) – Thomas Taban Akot, a Don Bosco Past Pupil of Don Bosco School Tonj, South Sudan, is an international student at Inje University-Medical College in Busan, Korea. He graduated from the medical college and passed his Medical Licensing Examination in Korea. Fundamental in his fundamental professional and human journey was the meeting with Fr. John Lee Tae-Suk (1962-2010), a doctor and a Salesian.
(ANS - Guatemala City) - Raúl Vásquez Diéguez calls himself "Salesian from birth": "I learned about Don Bosco as a child. I spent a whole life next to him in the Salesian school of my city ... Don Bosco was always close to me." At the local, national and regional levels, Raùl served in the Association of Salesian Cooperators, as well as in the Past Pupils Association, where for years he was Director and Delegate for the Past Pupils of the Technical Office of Guatemala City. He also cooperates with the Foundation "Alberto Marvelli" in favor of the most disadvantaged young people. For his efforts, the Italian Government has awarded him as Cavaliere, or Knight, "Stella della Solidarietà", or Star of Solidarity, and by the Holy See with the "Croce Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice."
(ANS - Tulear) - "As a child, after my First Communion, I often went to Mass and I remember that in the missionary month, October, missionary priests would often return bearing their testimonies. On those occasions, the eyes and imagination of us boys could already see the boundless missions of these 'prophets and heroes of our time', and one Sunday I told my mother: 'Mother, I want to leave as a missionary, too'." Speaking thus is Fr Maurizio Rossi, Italian Salesian, for over 25 years a missionary in Madagascar, currently in the Mauritius Isles.