(ANS - Lima) - Álvaro Napurí is 21 years old and has been living in a reception house of the Don Bosco Foundation of Peru since he was 13. Thanks to these spaces, which are common in many countries in the Americas, Africa and Asia, children, adolescents and young people in situations of social risk and poverty find a home in which complete care is given to them in an environment that is familiar and educational, as per the educational charisma of Don Bosco.

(ANS – London) – Paul and Alan are two BOVA volunteers (Bosco Volunteer Action). Alan is the first volunteer BOVA project has sent to Don Bosco Ashalayam, Kolkata. He is spending 2 months initially with the community in Kolkata and hopes to return for a longer term placement over the course of his career break. Paul is currently on his gap year before beginning university this September, and he joined Angela, another BOVA volunteer, at the community of Don Bosco Hotel School Sihanoukville, Cambodia. Motivated by putting his faith into action through service, Paul will spend 6 months with the community initially assisting at the “Gelato Cafe” run by the community and their students.

(ANS - Schio) - "The oratory can no longer be what it was fifty years ago, because society has changed. Once the only proposals - cinema, sport, music - were ours, today they are secular activities. Therefore, either we plan an attractive offer, or we close." Fr Alberto Maschio, a 58-year-old Salesian, the last four spent in reviving the Salesian oratory in Schio, has some very clear ideas.

(ANS - Yellagiri) - When you leave the narrow streets leading to the Salesian center of Yellagiri, on a plateau over 1100 meters high in India, between Bangalore and Chennai (INM), you imagine you are going to enter a normal school building ... And instead, on crossing the door, you enter a city of teens! Today Fr Rosario introduces us to this special Salesian center.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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