"The heart of the new director's manual is in the fact that the Salesian director is not only director of the religious community, but also in the educative-pastoral community. He is above all a custodian: of the consecrated Salesian identity for the religious community, and of the Salesian identity for the educative-pastoral community," said Fr Coelho.
"Inside there is all the richness of our tradition," continues Fr Roggia, of the same Department, "starting from the 'study of making yourself loved' of Don Bosco to Don Rua when he goes as Director to Mirabello. But together there is also all the wealth that comes from the 316 contributions sent by all the Salesian regions."
Father Silvio, the first part of the text presents the Salesian consecrated identity. What does it say?
The first pages focus on our identity as Salesians consecrated in the two forms in which we live our sole vocation, as Salesian brothers and Salesian clerics, within the Salesian Family and in the Church. The Salesian director is called to grow and strengthen the Salesian identity among his brothers and in all that the Salesian presence means in that territory. The director as guarantor and guardian of the Salesian charism: this was one of the most accentuated messages, transversally present in the 316 contributions coming from the 7 regions.
In the second part the director is presented in the Salesian religious community: what are the guidelines offered?
Recalling the guiding themes of the GC27 (mystics in the spirit, prophets of fraternity, servants of the young) one grasps the gift and responsibility that the presence of the director is called upon to be in the community. Methods and means are taken into consideration: from the Goodnight to the community project; from the role of the local council to the moments of assembly of the confreres. The type of accompaniment requested by the director towards each confrere is thus drawn. And on the accompaniment there is another important work that will soon be made available to all the confreres. "Young Salesians and accompaniment - guidelines and directives".
As for the "shared Salesian mission", what does the new Manual say?
Taking advantage of an intervention by Fr Vecchi, who makes it clear that there are no presences of 'only Salesians', the text devotes much attention to how the Salesian community can become a charismatic reference point in the educative pastoral community, that is, how to continue to sow the spiritual pedagogical charism of Don Bosco so that it continues to flourish and bear fruit among the young.
What does this Manual represent for individual Salesians?
The Rector Major writes in the preface: "To all of you, my dear confreres, I offer this gift, the fruit of a demanding synthesis of all the developments that have taken place in the Church and in our Congregation over the past 30 years". It is a gift that also becomes a task, above all for those who have a role of animation and government.
The interview with Fr Roggia is also available on ANSChannel (in Italian, Spanish and Portuguese).