What is the significance of entering into the Salesian Family at this time?
It confirms us, in fact, that we are "Salesians" because we are daughters of a Salesian. We "imbued" this via Msgr. Antonio Campelo (the founder, Ed.). I had the privilege of knowing him, and of seeing the love he had as a son of Don Bosco and leaving us as an inheritance. Participation in the Salesian Family confirms that with our charism, our spirituality and our mission, we work together in building the Kingdom of God, as Don Bosco did.
There are communities of the institute in various States of the region - Bahía, Ceará, Pernambuco, Sergipe and Amazonas. But what is the charism of the "Mediators of Peace"?
Our charism is founded when we say: "Mediating by building peace, Mediating bringing peace." We have been called to stay and work in the slums, in the most difficult places, next to the poor, next to the most vulnerable, like Msgr. Campelo, to bring peace. We identify ourselves as builders of peace in the peripheries, in the slums, in the villages, with children, adolescents, young people, adults and all those who are in very precarious situations. And there we try to be the face of God transfigured in disfigured brothers: the poor, those who encounter difficulties for social, racial, religious reasons ...
The "Mediators of Peace" are an institute founded by the Salesian bishop Msgr. Antonio Campelo. The institute was born in the North-East of Brazil and has several significant centers in the areas of extreme poverty in the region. The headquarters of the Institute is in Salvador de Bahia.
The Rector Major wrote in the decree of 4 February: "This Institute, with its testimony of apostolic spiritual life and its educational, pastoral and social action among the poorest, developed with a great sense of the local Church and with Salesian style, gives a valid contribution to the Salesian Family, enriching it with its charism in the spirit and in fidelity to its founder."
To find out more about this most recent group to join the Salesian Family, please visit: www.impaz.org.br/