What is the mission of the Worldwide Consultative Body or Consulta of the Salesian Family?
Every year the 31 groups of the SF are invited to meet to discuss and reflect on a number of themes of Salesian spirituality. The aim is to form, take decisions and reflect on the Salesian charism and its validity and relevance for each group of the SF.
What groups are participating?
I am very pleased that this time 27 of the 31 groups of the SF are represented. The groups that could not participate - for social or political problems in the countries of origin, or of distance - feel however an integral part of the SF.
How does the growth of the SF groups seem to you?
SF groups are growing exponentially all over the world. It is certain, for example, that the “Damas Salesianas” have grown considerably in recent years because of the social work they do among women; but the same is true for all other groups. There is an amazing vitality in each one.
Which group was recently welcomed in the SF?
The last was the "Contemplative Fraternity of Mary of Nazareth" (FCMS), which has its roots in the concern of Msgr. Nicolás Cotugno, SDB, regarding the contemplative life. On 18 July 2016, the Rector Major accepted it as the 31st group of the SF.
As the Worldwide Delegate who travels the world animating the various groups, how does the SF appear to you?
I am convinced that the SF has more future than present because of the enormous growth of the various groups. The challenge is for the Salesians. We must believe in the SF not as a separate group, and we must know it so we may encourage and accompany each of the groups in the Salesian Provinces and houses. It is not an easy task, but it is a task for the Salesians to take up, for the spiritual animation of all the members of the Salesian Family.
How would you like the Salesian Family to be today?
I wish for a group that works together and lives in the service of needy and poor young people.