RMG - Fr Rossano Sala: young people ask for a Church that listens, that welcomes, that is alive and authentic

(ANS - Rome) - In a long and profound interview Fr Rossano Sala, SDB, Special Secretary of the Synod of Bishops, spoke to us about the situation of youth, the Church and the next Synod, clearly illustrating the need to listen to the world of young people. The theme of the forthcoming Synod closely examines the Salesians, who live for the young, and interrogates and invites them to live this experience as children of a saint who, with the young, knew how to live a relationship of trust, friendship and familiarity.

What does this pre-synodal meeting of young people mean?

The Synod conceived by Pope Francis is a moment to give the floor to young people, a moment when the Church must be convinced that we cannot talk about young people if we do not let them talk, if we have not listened to them first. The pre-Synodal meeting is a moment when young people can express their opinions without filters.

What do young people want and ask the Church for?

Many episcopal conferences show that young people ask nothing of the Church, who are irritated by the presence of the Church and do not feel at ease within it. We ask ourselves: are these young nihilists, are they young people who hate us? No! Behind these considerations there are motivations that should make us reflect.

So, what happens with the young?

Young people are more than others scandalized by sexual and economic scandals. Of priests, young people expect prepared ministers available to dialogue ... There are many reasons why young people do not follow us, because we are not meaningful for them ... Instead, they want a Church that becomes a home, a family, a Church that is a place of welcome, where a young person can feel good …

Young people ask that the Church be a family. Is this not a Salesian message?

For us Salesians these words are beautiful and important. We have received from Don Bosco what is called the family spirit. The fact that a young person feels at home, feels welcomed, can speak openly and enter into a family-like contact is part of our spirituality. Let's think about what Don Bosco's “Letter from Rome” means, which speaks of trust, friendship, familiarity ...

The complete video-interview with Fr Sala is available, in Italian, on ANSChannel.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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