VATICAN - "I felt God in my heart": José Antonio, a Spanish prisoner in Rome

(ANS - Vatican City) – On Sunday 6 November, during the Mass in the Basilica of St Peter with over a thousand prisoners, Pope Francis took the opportunity to urge governments to improve the living conditions of prisoners. Among them was a young man called José Antonio, from the prison of Jaén in Spain, where the Salesians offer spiritual assistance. José Antonio came to Rome for the Jubilee of Mercy with the Holy Father. "When I saw the Pope passing very close to me, I felt God in my heart."

The Pope's words continue to resonate in Jose Antonio’s heart: "Let none of you, therefore, be locked up in the past! (...) The story which begins today, and looking to the future, is yet to be written, by the grace of God and with your personal responsibility."

José Antonio, how do you feel about coming to Rome as a prisoner?

I feel fortunate to have received this chance and to live the Year of Mercy in Rome. I am a prisoner who has been chosen to go to the Pope, accompanied by Fr Pepe, a Salesian, and a prison officer.

How did you meet God in prison?

Prison is a tough, difficult place. Here we pay for our crimes. I spend 14-15 hours a day in the cell, and this has given me the opportunity to think, pray and see my life from another perspective. It is in that place that I have found God, with the help of the priests, with the help of Fr José González who visits us, who celebrates Mass for us, talks with us, and hears our confessions.

And how do you see the help of the Salesian priests?

I'm glad I met Fr Pepe. His presence, his love as a friend, his ability to listen and the same for all the priests who helped me to endure this harsh reality.

What message would you give to young people?

Allow yourself to be welcomed in the arms of Jesus. We know the wrong paths that led us to prison and there we have to pay for the evil we have done, as happened to me, but we must have faith and hope, especially because prison is a temporary condition. One day I'll be free, and I'm trying to be better when I leave this place. 



ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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