(ANS - Bogotà) - On June 9, 2020, the first virtual laboratory on "Creative Storytelling Strategy" began, part of a formation cycle for the Digital Communication of the Salesians of America. The initiative is led by the "St Peter Claver" Province of Colombia-Bogota together with the "Our Lady of Copacabana" Province of Bolivia. Today more than ever, in such an ever-changing world, ongoing formation is an imperative: to keep up with the times and with the proposals of Pope Francis, who in fact dedicated the last World Day of Social Communications to the theme of narration. "So as not to lose our bearings," he says, "we need to make our own the truth contained in good stories."
(ANS - Santiago) – On the morning of 8 June, about 60 people participated in the online meeting of the pastoral coordinators of the Salesian works in Chile, which saw the presentation of the "Letter from Rome: the Gospel of Don Bosco", a theme developed by Fr Pascual Chávez, IX Successor of Don Bosco.
(ANS - Buenos Aires) - "Zatti, our brother" is a short film on the Salesian nurse Artemide Zatti (1880 - 1951), who for forty years dedicated himself to the care of the poor and sick of Viedma, Rio Negro. There he directed one of the first hospitals in Patagonia, which in fact bears his name.
(ANS – Rome) – On 26 and 27 May 2020, members and partners of the Don Bosco Network (DBN) – including the Councilor for Missions Fr Alfred Maravilla, Councilor for Youth Ministry Fr Miguel Ángel García Morcuende, Economer General Bro Jean Paul Muller and the Coordinator of Mission Offices Fr George Menamparampil – took part in the annual General Assembly and Working Group meetings online.
(ANS - Turin) - "Our Lady of difficult times": this is the definition that yesterday, Sunday 24 May, the Rector Major, Fr Ángel Fernández Artime, offered in the homily delivered during the Eucharist dedicated to young people for the Feast of Mary Help of Christians, celebrated in the Basilica of Mary Help of Christians in Turin-Valdocco.
(ANS – Rome) – One year ago, in April 2019, an international Salesian Spiritual Retreat was organized at Colle Don Bosco with young people from different European countries. One year later, the world is facing the consequences of coronavirus pandemic. Nonetheless, the Small Team coordinating Salesian Youth Movement (SYM) Europe and Middle East has a proposal to share with young people all over the world. Adapting last years’ experience to the current situation, they are launching the first Salesian Spiritual Online Retreat from 14 to 17 April 2020.
(ANS - Rome) - At the end of the extraordinary novena to Mary Help of Christians, prayed throughout the Salesian world, the Rector Major, Fr Ángel Fernández Artime, invites us to make an Act of Entrustment, renewing our trust in Our Lady, with the heart of Don Bosco, in this hour of trial and suffering due to the coronavirus pandemic.
(ANS - Panjim) - "We all know that it is not possible to sustain the present level of consumption in developed countries and wealthier sectors of society, where the habit of wasting and discarding has reached unprecedented levels....It is foreseeable that, in the face of the exhaustion of some resources, a favorable scenario for new wars, masked with noble demands, is being created." (Pope Francis, Laudato Sì, 27-57). Aware of the importance of respecting and protecting Creation in all its forms, starting with changing one's daily habits, the Ecotiva Club members of Don Bosco College, Panjim (DBC), successfully organised a workshop on Organic Lifestyle on campus on March 14, 2020.
(ANS - Vitória) - "It is necessary to try to know the new times and adapt to them. This means respecting people," said Don Bosco. Attentive to global changes, the Salesians in Brazil have implemented a new methodology, a new way of acting and making a difference in the students' experiences. Thus, the Catholic university center of Vitória, belonging to the "St Giovanni Bosco" Province of Belo Horizonte, has now become: "UniSales - Salesian University Center". More than a change of name, it is a re-positioning to continue to evolve in the service of young people.
(ANS - Leon) – To be effective, education and evangelization increasingly require new formulas and methodologies appropriate to the new and current times. The Salesian Province "Spain – St James Major" (SSM) is putting pedagogical and pastoral innovation into practice in its centers, and at the end of last week, the Seminary for Pastoral Innovation and the Provincial Day of Innovation were held.