Finally 3 years after the release of the original Italian version during the General Chapter 27 in Rome, the "SALESIAN SOURCES" (Fonti Salesiane) book is released also in English version by Kristu Jyoti Publication in Bangalore, India (South Asia Region). The selection of Don Bosco writings was compiled by Fr. Francesco Motto, Fr. José Manuel Prellezo and Fr. Aldo Giraudo (UPS Rome).
“There is, in all of us, a homing device that calls us to our deepest centre, the core of our being, what we call the soul. It is not easy to define the word soul; in fact it is impossible but there are times in our lives when we feel the need to connect with this spiritual centre of our being. This is what I am trying to describe in this short book” (Fr Michael J. Cunningham).
The book has nothing to do with Facebook, though the title, cover design and colour may find striking similarities. But it has something to do with one of the four pillars of faith - prayer. That part of the faith with a focus on meditation is this Faithbook.
Towards the end of the Summer term, in secondary schools throughout the country, students in their last year of compulsory education take leave of their school. They are at a crossroad in their lives. They face the road ahead with mixed feelings, outwardly delighted to be free of the discipline of school, inwardly apprehensive of the road ahead. The staff of the school has served them well for five or more years and now wishes them God speed on their journey. Many schools now have the opportunity to offer their departing pupils a roadmap for the way ahead. That road map is the book Trust the Road.