With the young, Don Bosco sought to offer a very holistic accompaniment while promoting meaningful life options. He creatively responded to the needs of young people of his time and accompanied them in their discovery and embracing of a valid response to their human and Christian call. Don Bosco’s method of spiritual companionship did not end with his death. Through his Salesian Congregation, he was able to radiate a charism built on genuine family relationships adapted to forms of expression which developed in different historical moments and within various cultures around the world. The scope of this research is to offer insight on Don Bosco’s understanding and experience of “spiritual companionship.”
The complete comic book version of the life of St. John Bosco, beautifully illustrated by Joseph “Jijé” Gillain and translated into English by Fr. Paul Grauls, SDB. This 100+ page comic book tells the entire life story of this beloved Saint, Don Bosco, father, teacher and friend of the young.
"Michael Winstanley’s book provides a remarkable uncovering of the ‘specialness’ of the Gospel of Luke. Not only are all the singularly Lukan features of the Gospel stories dealt with, but there is more as this book is marked by several unusual features of its own that single it out as ‘different’ from the many books on Luke currently available. Michael’s familiarity with classical and contemporary writings on Luke is outstanding, as is his respectful presentation of a variety of differing views. Many of us will be grateful to have it on our desk to guide us through our own teaching, studying, and writing on Luke’s Gospel. As always with the writings of Michael, there is a carefully expressed and profound applications of the Lukan message to the challenges of Christian life in the third millennium."
(Dr. Francis J. Moloney, SDB, taken from the Foreword)
The Vatican Council reminded us that Morning and Evening Prayer are the two hinges on which the Prayer of the Church turns. The reflection on life, alongside the words of scripture, has been a daily practice in the Church since earliest times. This book, authored by Salesian Father David O’Malley, continues that tradition, offering a simple form of prayer for individual or communal use at the start of the day.