‘Revolution of Tenderness’ is a collection of inspiring short stories lucidly penned by young, zealous Brothers of the Salesian Order, raring to share their life-changing experiences with the rest of the world for the very first time.
A new book about a high-volume writer of letters has just been publicly released. The book titled, “G’Day Cobber, Dare to be a Saint: The Life and Letters of Fr. Bill Edwards SDB”, was authored by Father Stephen Ardill, a priest of the Diocese of Port Pirie in South Australia.
The Missions Department has published the Acts of the three meetings of the missionaries in Europe, in a volume titled "Salesian Missionaries in Europe."
“Lord Teach us to Pray! Reflections on Prayer” by Fr. Dominic Kaniyantharayil S.D.B is a welcome addition to the books on the spirituality of Prayer.