Hyderabad, India – June 2024 – Sunday 23 June, the Past Pupils of the St Joseph Province in Hyderabad gathered at the Provincial House to commemorate the day of the founding of the Past Pupils, or the day when Carlo Gastini and a group of Valdocco's first former pupils went to visit Don Bosco to congratulate him on the day he celebrated his name day. The meeting began with the Eucharist presided over by Fr Michael Kishore, Provincial Delegate for the Salesian Family, who took the opportunity to highlight the importance of the Dream at nine years of age, on the occasion of its 200th anniversary. Subsequently, Mr. Illuri Parsad presented the assembly with the detailed annual report of the Federation's activities at the provincial level and highlighted the start-up of the new units in Kurnool, Narsipatnam and Ongole. Those present were also informed of the upcoming Extraordinary General World Assembly of Past Pupils which will be held in Valdocco from 2 to 6 October 2024. The entire meeting was therefore a significant moment to remember with gratitude the gifts that each one has inherited in their lives from Don Bosco.

Tagaytay, Philippines – June 2024 - Salesians in the North Philippines Province (FIN) gathered at Don Bosco Batulao from 16 to 20 June for the 2024 Provincial Chapter. Chapter members explored and deliberated mainly on the contribution and participation of the FIN Province to GC29 to be held in Turin in 2025 on the theme "Passionate about Jesus Christ, dedicated to young people", and on its three core areas and on the challenges of the Province. The Provincial Chapter was chaired by Fr Gerardo Martin, Provincial and Fr Alexander Garces, Moderator, and was attended by forty-eight Salesians and an observer, Fr Ramon Borja, from the Salesian community of Kuching, Malaysia. In addition to dealing with these central issues, the Chapter also addressed some issues of great importance: the health program for confreres in the Province, reshaping communities, houses and settings, the displacement of the Academic Year. The Eucharistic celebrations with homilies and Good Nights have enriched the chapter celebration. The Assembly elected Fr Alexander Garces as delegate to the GC29 and Salesian Brother Carmelo Martinez, as substitute.

Ashaiman, Ghana – June 2024 - The conclusion of the Extraordinary Visitation to the Province of South Western Africa (AOS) conducted on behalf of the Rector Major by Fr Américo Chaquisse, former Councillor for the Africa-Madagascar Region, was celebrated on 21 June. The meeting took place at the Provincial House located in Ashaiman. Since 17 March 2024, Fr Chaquisse has visited 21 Salesian communities located in the five countries of the AOS Province: Ivory Coast, Ghana, Liberia, Sierra Leone and Togo. During these three months the Visitor had the opportunity to speak with each confrere and to meet members of the Salesian Family and collaborators in the works. The closing of the Extraordinary Visitation was marked by two meetings: the first with the Provincial Council and the second with Rectors of communities, followed by the Eucharistic celebration and a fraternal agape moment. Fr Américo Chaquisse expressed his joy at having carried out the Extraordinary Visitation. Fr Denis Soro, AOS Provincial, expressed his gratitude to Fr Chaquisse on behalf of the Salesians for the availability shown by agreeing to conduct this Extraordinary Visitation and ensured the implementation of the recommendations that the Rector Major will send with the concluding letter.

Barinas, Venezuela – June 2024 – On 15 June, young people from the Salesian Youth Movement (SYM) in Barinas gathered at the Salesian Technical-Agricultural School to celebrate the first edition of the SYM Festival in Barinas. Under the theme "Christ lives, he wants you alive, happy and holy", the young people had the opportunity to celebrate their faith, to form themselves spiritually and to get to know each other, in an atmosphere of joy and fraternity. The event opened with typical dances and songs and allowed young people to rediscover their roots and cultural identity. Several members of the Salesian Family in Venezuela also collaborated in the preparation of this meeting, including the Damas Salesianas Association. The day then culminated in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the school chapel, where young people were able to give thanks and reflect on their experiences of the day.

Antofagasta, Chile – June 2024 – In recent weeks, about 50 students from different schools in Chile have gathered at the Don Bosco Salesian Institute in Antofagasta to take part in the 8th Congress of Vocational Technical Education Students from the Norte Grande region. The participants were welcomed by the Principal of the school, Héctor Ramírez, and by the Rector, Fr Miguel Rojas, He referred to Strenna 2024, inviting young people to dream and look at new technological trends as a great challenge in the educational and work environment. The event, which is part of the "Exponor 2024" programme, addressed important issues such as the implementation of Artificial Intelligence in education and the world of work. José Aravena, Production Director of the Arquimed Company spoke at the Congress, underlining the importance of the irruption of this new technology in different sectors of industry and society. Finally, the students of the participating schools and high schools went to the "Exponor 2024" exhibition centre to learn about the new technologies, products and services offered by over 1,100 exhibitors from 32 countries and from all over Chile.

Genzano, Italy – June 2024 – The Regional Council of Salesian Cooperators of Italy, the Middle East and Malta was held on Saturday 15 and Sunday 16 June at the Salesian house in Genzano. During the first day there was a moment of discussion with the animation sectors, during which an evaluation of the year was also carried out. In the afternoon, a meeting with the novices of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians from Castel Gandolfo took place. The day ended with a walk to admire the traditional "Infiorata di Genzano". On Sunday 16th,  the parish priest of Holy Trinity church in Genzano, Salesian Cooperator Fr Pietro Massari, celebrated Mass. After communications from the Regional Secretariat, the opportunity was taken to greet Maria Paganini and Andrea Ioli,  outgoing coordinators of the Provinces of Emilia-Romagna and San Marino and Lombardy respectively. Domenico Augello, Sonia Guglielmo and Marco Ridolfi, new coordinators from Emilia-Romagna and San Marino, Lombardy and Tuscany, were welcomed.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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