Goma, DR Congo – July 2024 - On Sunday 7 July, in the chapel of the ITIG Salesian Community, Fr Pascual Chávez, Rector Major Emeritus of the Salesian Congregation, presided over a Eucharistic celebration during which the Association of Salesian Cooperators (ASC) welcomed twenty-seven new members through their solemn promise. They came from several local centres in the works of the AFC-EST Delegation including four from Don Bosco Ngangi, one from ITIG, seven from BOSCOLAC, seven from Shasha and eight from Uvira. The aspiring cooperators who made their promise were formed for three years for some and more for others according to the Association's Project of Apostolic Life. After Fr Chávez's homily, the Provincial Delegate for the AFC-EST, Fr Gauthier Tshibangu, urged the new ASCs to be faithful disciples of Christ in the Catholic Church and to promote poor and abandoned young people to build the Kingdom of God.

Santo Domingo Dominican Republic – July 2024 – "The Lord's Prayer: my prayer" was the motto that brought together 85 Salesian Cooperators (ASC) and about 150 digitally connected for the ASC Retreat in the Dominican Republic. From 12 to 14 July at the Sagrada Familia retreat house, participants from 13 local centres in the country achieved the aim of seeking frank and sincere dialogue with the Lord by developing various topics. A  penitential act took plac en Saturday evening  in a special event that began with Eucharistic adoration accompanied by reflection on the 7 petitions of the Our Father, in a personal encounter of tenderness with the Lord through gestures and hymns. The liturgical meetings were the beginning and culmination of the activities with the celebration of the Word by Deacon Reynaldo Inoa and the concluding Eucharist celebrated by Fr Jinmy González, SDB. During the meeting, spaces for personal reflection, testimonies and encounters with God were experienced in an intimate and communal way. The participants were invited to renew and recharge their energies to continue  pastoral work in their respective local centres on behalf of the most vulnerable as Don Bosco woud want us to do today.

Višnevo, Belarus – July 2024 – A new grave was blessed on 13 July in Višnevo where the remains of Father Stanisław Michalski, SJ, a Polish Jesuit who died as a martyr at Christmas 1950, rest. There has been a move over time to give the priest a more prominent burial, to remind and make known to the new generations the figure of a man who personally experienced persecution first under the Nazis and then under the Communists, choosing to remain with the people entrusted to his pastoral care until the last. The rite of blessing of the grave and the Eucharistic celebration that preceded it involved Jesuits Viktor Zhuk, parish priest of St Vladislav in Vitebsk, and Ryszard Matejuk, a guest for a few days from Poland; Saledsians Fr Artur Leszniewski, engaged in promoting the knowledge of Fr Stanisław Michalski, and Fr Paweł Szczerbicki, head of the Salesian mission in Belarus; and two members of the Belarusian diocesan clergy: Fr Iosif Mel 'djuk, assistant priest in the parish of the Visitation of Mary in Višnevo, and Fr Vadim Survila, from Vojstam. The plans for the new grave was seen to by Fr Artur Leszniewski, SDB, whose vocation came about at the burial place of Father Michalski, as he recalled during the Eucharistic service: "Thanks to Father Stanisław I have my priestly vocation."

Source: Agenzia Fides

Photographs: Jezuici.pl

Paraguay – July 2024 - On Saturday 6 July, two groups of young formators began Level II and Level IV of the Salesianity School. The workshop, which seeks to approach the figure of Don Bosco from an interdisciplinary perspective, takes place at the Don Bosco Centre for Salesian Spirituality. Each level of the Salesianity School lasts 7 days, during which participants receive intensive formation in workshop mode on the life and spirituality of St John Bosco. Formation is the responsibility of the Provincial Salesianity Commission.

Campo Grande, Brazil – July 2024 - On 15 July, the Salesian Province of Brasil-Campo Grande (BCG) commemorated the 48th anniversary of the death of Fr Rodolfo Lunkenbein and Simão Bororo, who gave their lives in sacrifice for the Boe-Bororo people. For the occasion, a documentary was launched that explores the history and legacy of these two martyrs, exploring the impact of their death on the community that is still very much felt today. Through interviews, archive images and moving narratives, we will relive the events, dedication and sacrifice of Fr Lunkenbein and Simão Bororo who continue to inspire and challenge the Church to live the Gospel with authenticity and missionary ardour. In Meruri he gave his life for the original people of the Boe-Bororo, following his priestly motto "I came to serve and give my life".

Ennerdale, South Africa – July 2024 - Last Thursday, 11 July, students from the Don Bosco Educational Projects in Ennerdale graduated after intensive courses in the Electricity, Construction and Merchandising sectors. In his address the principal, Mr Napier, urged the students to help build their communities with the newly acquired skills. He also added that it was a real joy to form young people in the area and told them to be grateful to their parents for the sacrifices they made to support them and help them achieve their dreams.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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