(ANS - Goma) - In the early afternoon of Thursday, May 9, 2024, the Rector Major of the Salesian Congregation, Cardinal Ángel Fernández Artime, arrived in Goma, accompanied by Fr Alphonse Owoudou, Regional Councillor for Africa-Madagascar.
Vietnam – Reviving the Salesian mission in the North of the country, with hope and missionary spirit
(ANS – Hanoi) – Fr Alfred Maravilla, General Councillor for the Missions, arrived in Hanoi, the Capital of Vietnam, on 8 April 2024, to conduct the Extraordinary Visitation on behalf of the Rector Major, Card. Ángel Fernández Artime, to the North Delegation of Vietnam (DVN). This visit to the north of the country is part of the extensive visit – which began on 2 August 2023 and will last almost a year in total, although carried out at different times – to the St John Bosco Province of Vietnam (VIA), a circumscription that has a total of 360 confreres and 37 houses.
Jaboatão do Guararapes, Brazil – April 2024 – The Salesian St Aloysius Gonzaga Province, Recife Brazil (BRE) held its 27th Provincial Chapter at the Salesian Colony located in Jaboatão do Guararapes, in the State of Pernambuco. During four intense and active days, Chapter members met to reflect, plan and celebrate the Salesian mission in the region. The Salesian Colony, known for its history and importance in the life of the Province, offered a favourable environment for the moments of reflection and spirituality that marked the beginning of the Chapter, on 22 April. From that moment on, the participants dedicated themselves to discussing the challenges and opportunities facing the BRE Province, looking for ways to strengthen and expand Salesian work in the region. Salesian spirituality and the educational mission were central points of discussion, reaffirming the Province's commitment to the integral formation of young people. The conclusion of the Provincial Chapter was marked by an atmosphere of gratitude and celebration. The presence and involvement of the Salesian Family was highlighted for the fundamental role it plays in the continuity and growth of Don Bosco's work. Looking to the future, the BRE Province remains steadfast in its commitment to being a presence of hope and transformation in the lives of young people, inspired by the charism and spirituality of St John Bosco. The closing of the 27th Provincial Chapter also marked the beginning of a new cycle of work and mission, and renewed the commitment of all Salesians to the education and evangelisation of young people.
(ANS – Palabek) - The Rector Major, Cardinal Ángel Fernández Artime celebrated the votive mass of Don Bosco for the confreres. In his homily, the Rector Major declared with profound conviction that the Salesian Mission was God’s gift. For this reason, he expressed his admiration and gratitude to the congregation, the provincial superior, and the AGL confreres for devoting their greater strength and commitment for this noble cause. He said that he could experience at firsthand the impact that our Salesian presence makes in the lives of those who need it most. The Rector Major also affirmed that the Palabek mission was the province's front-line mission, "it is a Salesian sin for a confrere to refuse the opportunity to reside and work here among these people of Palabek", he stated. He was confident that Don Bosco is very much pleased with the work that the Salesians are rendering to support the youth of Palabek. At the end, he prayed saying, “May Mary Help of Christians and Don Bosco bless this mission now and in the future”.
(ANS – Dili) – Upon their arrival at the Provincial House community of Timor Leste (TLS), in Dili, on May 2, 2024, Fr Joan Lluís Playà, SDB, the Rector Major’s Central Delegate for the Salesian Family Secretariat, and Brother Dominic Nam Nguyen, SDB, World Delegate for Past Pupils and Salesian Cooperators, has began their animation visit to the TLS Vice-Province. Some members of different groups of the Salesian Family from Maliana and Dili gathered at the AVR hall to greet and meet the two world delegates.
(ANS – Rome) – In order to answer to the mandate of the GC28 to respond creatively, courageously and educatively to the digital culture and the recent call of Pope Francis regarding the importance of artificial intelligence for the Church, the Sector of Salesian Social Communication has created an International Salesian Commission for Artificial Intelligence (ISCAI).
RMG – The missionaries of the 155th Salesian Missionary Expedition: Guy Roger Mutombo Mutshi, from the Vice-Province of Africa Congo Congo (ACC) to the Province of Southern Italy (IME)
(ANS – Rome) – The final word from the new Salesian missionaries comes from Congolese Guy Roger, a missionary in the Province of Southern Italy. "My plans and dreams for my missionary life are to live in communion of spirit and action with my Salesian brothers in IME for the salvation of poor and abandoned young people, according to the heart of Don Bosco and to the greater glory of God".
Myanmar – Tragedy of Innocent Children in the midst of Armed Conflicts
(ANS – Naypyidaw) - Myanmar finds itself immersed in profound grief and anguish as innocent lives, particularly those of children, continue to be mercilessly lost in the enduring armed conflicts. Families are left devastated by the tragic loss of their loved ones while the relentless violence shows no signs of abating. This week, a heartfelt plea from Myanmar reached our community, shedding light on the heart-wrenching death of a young girl Juliet in a military airstrike, prompting a unified call for prayers and action.
Italy – Presentation of the volume "Giovanni Bosco, Predicazione"
(ANS – Rome) – Last Friday, 22 November 2024, at the UPS, the Salesian Historical Institute (ISS), in collaboration with the Don Bosco Study Centre (CSDB) at the Pontifical Salesian University (UPS) in Rome, presented the volume Giovanni Bosco, Predicazione. Introduzione, testi critici e note a cura di Aldo Giraudo e Massimo Schwarzel. (= ISS – Fonti, Prima Series, 18). Rome, 2024. The symposium involved numerous scholars who were able to illustrate the originality and specific value of this new text on St John Bosco.
RMG – Called from every nation, to go forth to all nations!
(ANS – Rome) – We are approaching the eve of the Holy Year. Today, the 11th of the month, the General Councillor for Missions, Fr. Alfred Maravilla, shares his reflection on the mystery of the Church, its relationship to the Kingdom, its mission in today’s world and Don Bosco's love for the Church.
A new time is given to us: from the Heart of God to the heart of humanity, mirrored in the great heart of Don Bosco.
Dear friends and readers, in this December issue I address you with my best wishes for a new year! We find ourselves in a new time that is given to us to live with intensity and with "newness of life," which I make my own, as a propitious and opportune wish. I am speaking of the gift that the Holy Father has given us in recent days: his Encyclical letter Dilexit Nos on the human and Divine Love of the Heart of Jesus Christ.