A conversation was organized around the work; the talk featured Fr Giovanni (Juan) Bottasso, who heads the 14-volume edition that are part of the complete collection. He began by saying that during his last and very recent trip to Rome, he shared his material with an anthropologist who had actually met Fr Bolla. After examining them, this scholar had no qualms describing what he read as being a unique work, a diary that, like no other, told the life of a missionary so profoundly.
Fr Bottasso also emphasized the attitude of Fr Bolla when he decided to go and live with the Achuar people: his missionary goal was not to colonize, but to learn from them and cultivate their culture, language and culture. identity. "It is the noblest people I have ever known", was a phrase Fr Yánkuam would say to the Achuar, which reflected all the love and affection he felt for this people, with whom he shared 41 years of his life.
"He always struggled so they could maintain their identity, their culture and to always be proud of who they are. He did not elaborate grand theories, but he had one great principle: there are no peoples or higher cultures, but there are different cultures and it is important to learn to live together."
Speaking at the presentation was also Dr. José Juncosa, Vice-Chancellor of the Salesian Polytechnical University of Quito, who said that the Abya Yala / UPS bookstore is intended as a meeting platform and a space for conversation on cultural diversity and the identity of peoples.
Of all the books written by Fr Bolla on the Achuar, one is already available in Italian bookstores: “Il mio nome è Yánkuam. L’incontro del Vangelo con gli Achuar. Cronache dalle missioni,” or "My name is Yánkuam. The meeting of the Gospel with the Achuar. Chronicles from the missions."
For his part, Milagros Aguirre, Director General of Abya Yala, spoke about the work of Fr Bolla as an inspirational tool for young missionaries, for volunteers working in the Sierra and in the Amazon, as well as for anthropologists, academics and students who are interested in learning about other cultures.