Brazil – Replica of the House of Don Bosco inaugurated, a tribute to the past and a commitment to the future

20 August 2024

(ANS – Pindamonhangaba) – On Friday 16 August, Don Bosco's birthday, the exact replica of the modest house where St John Bosco spent his childhood was inaugurated in Pindamonhangaba. The event brought together more than a hundred people, including Salesians and lay people, on a day marked by moments of deep faith, joy and emotion.

This building has the mission of being an educational space that inspires young people with the values of joy, friendship and faith that marked the life of St John Bosco. The reproduction of the house in which Don Bosco lived his first years of life is a powerful symbol, especially because it was the scene of the famous Dream at Nine Years of age, which shaped his vocation and mission.

The Rector of the Salesian presence in Pindamonhangaba, Fr Agnaldo Soares Lima, stressed the importance of this new space, stating: "For us this environment is not only a place to remember Don Bosco. But we really want it to be a place that strengthens Don Bosco's charism, his love for God and his love for young people."

Fr Alexandre Luís de Oliveira, Superior of the Salesian Province of Sao Paulo, Brazil (BSP), attended the inauguration, stressing that "on this day when we celebrate the 209th birthday of Don Bosco, we ask that, by entering this house, we may also enter the heart of Don Bosco. This replica, here in the Salesian Province of Sao Paolo, will be a centre from which the Salesian charism radiates, where many children, adolescents and young people will be able to find inspiration for their dreams."

During the day, after welcoming guests, the Dream at Nine Years of age was reenacted, with a representation staged by children. The replica of the house was then blessed, the relic of Don Bosco was welcomed and, finally, Fr Alexandre Luís de Oliveira presided over the Mass.

The inauguration of Casa Don Bosco in Pindamonhangaba was not only a tribute to the past, but also a commitment to the future, reaffirming the Salesian mission to transform the lives of young people through education and faith.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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