RMG – World Conference on Social Communication "Shaping Tomorrow": the program

31 July 2024

(ANS – Rome) – Everything is now ready for "Shaping Tomorrow", the World Communication Conference scheduled from tomorrow 1 August 2024, until Wednesday 7th, at the facilities of the Pontifical Salesian University (UPS) in Rome, jointly organised by the Sector for Social Communication of the Salesian Congregation and the Faculty of Social Communication Sciences (FSC) of the UPS. The event, thanks to the contribution of speakers and experts in the sector, will address many topics central to today's communication and, through a series of outings and visits, will allow participants to have a rich and complete experience of significant appointments.

So let's see together what the activities of the next few days are.

The program

Thursday, 1 August, will be reserved for the reception and accommodation of participants, with the welcome that will be addressed to them in their respective host houses.

The official activities will begin on Friday, 2 August: after the official opening of the activities, Fr Fabio Pasqualetti, Dean of FSC, will introduce the first report, entitled: "Epochal Change: Digital Culture and Artificial Intelligence", followed, again in the morning, by Fabio Bolzetta, journalist and President of the Association of Catholic Webmasters (WECA), on "Epochal Changes in Communication".
In the afternoon, Sister Xiskya Valladares, co-founder of the digital evangelization project "iMision", will lead the intervention "Creators of new languages and paradigms for evangelization, especially in the digital environment"; while the journalist and President of the Catholic Union of the Italian Press (UCSI) – Lazio, Maurizio di Schino, will talk about "Communication with and about migrants and refugees"

Saturday, 3 August, Sister Xiskya Valladares will speak again on best evangelization practices in social networks; and Fabio Bolzetta will talk about the Church in the digital realm and the approach to new technologies in ecclesial communication.
The afternoon will be dedicated to the visit to the communication centres of Vatican Radio and the Holy See Press Office.

Sunday, 4 August will offer opportunities for greater relaxation. Participants will thus have the opportunity to participate in the Sunday Eucharist and then admire the historical beauties of the Eternal City, with guided tours in the morning and afternoon.

On Monday the 5th, the work will resume with great intensity: in the morning, with two different sessions, sociologist and demographer Mark McCrindle will explain how to communicate with the new generations, especially the Zed and Alpha Generations; while in the afternoon  vaticanista Valentina Alazraki will present two sessions: one on internal and external communication in the Church, compared to three Popes (John Paul II, Benedict XVI and Francis); and one on crisis communication.
The rich day will be completed with an address by journalist Laura Wagner-Meyer, who will provide 10 tips on how to interact with Generation Z.

On Tuesday the 6th, youtuber Simone Ferretti will develop three sessions: a theoretical and a workshop on Mobile Journalism, and the last one on the creation of digital content. After lunch, Laura Wagner-Meyer will delve into the role of migrants and refugees in the context of communication with the young generations through social media; and Andy Stalman, an entrepreneur and writer, will outline his perspective on how the Church can better understand and use the digital transformations underway in the world.

On the final day, Wednesday, 7 August, work will resume with a new intervention by Andy Stalman on how to improve Salesian work in the world through a good brand strategy, with the definition of institutional identity and drafting   the corresponding strategic plan;  and finally Donatella Parisi, Head of Communication of the Vatican's "Laudato Si" Higher Education Centre, will address the topic of communication with migrants and refugees.
 The final summary assembly will conclude the work.

The speakers

-        Valentina Alazraki, Vatican journalist

-        Fabio Bolzetta, journalist and President of the Association of Catholic Webmasters (WECA);

-        Maurizio di Schino, journalist and President of the Catholic Union of the Italian Press (UCSI) – Lazio

-        Simone Ferretti, youtuber and creator of digital content;

-        Mark McCrindle, sociologist and demographer;

-        Fabio Pasqualetti, professor, Dean of the Faculty of Communication Sciences at the UPS;

-        Donatella Parisi, journalist and head of communication of the Vatican's "Laudato Si" Higher Education Centre;

-        Andy Stalman, entrepreneur and writer;

-        Xiskya Valladares, co-founder of the digital evangelization project "iMision"

-        Laura Wagner-Meyer, journalist.

All sessions will be available via live streaming in four languages on Shaping Tomorrow's YouTube channels (Italian - English - Spanish - French).

Invitation and contacts

"We invite you to participate in the communication conference that will be held from 1 to 7 August 2024 in Rome" is the exhortation that comes from the Social Communication Sector.

For more information, see also the Facebook page and Instagram profile of "Shaping Tomorrow".


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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