Chile - Salesian Past Pupils semi-finalists in History Channel contest

16 November 2016

(ANS - Santiago) - a multidisciplinary team made up of about 15 people, including two Salesian past pupils of Alameda Salesian, a present student of the same school and a Salesian Cooperator, are among the ten semi-finalists in a competition promoted by the History Channel. It is entitled: "An idea to change history". Their team entered a project which consists of a device that allows the neuronal control of a wheelchair.

According to the World Health Organization "over a billion people around the world live with some form of disability; of these, approximately 200 million experience considerable difficulties." Faced with this problem, two past pupils of the Educational Centre of Alameda Salesian, Alexis Jara and Felipe González, along with present student David Bianchi and a Salesian Cooperator Mauricio Martínez, decided to work on a project with Rodrigo Quevedo, founder of "Robotics Lab".

"Over Mind" is a device that allows the neuronal control of a wheelchair, through the acquisition of data from neuro-sensors and other information sources, such as a gyroscope, an accelerometer, a video camera and a microphone. The configurable apparatus of this program then converts this information into an order of movement to one or more motors; action that allows the movement of a wheelchair without using the limbs.

This technological project competes in the Applied Robotics category and is representing Chile in the competition.  It seeks to improve the physical capacity of people with limited or no mobility, so they can move around and perform different activities by themselves such as turning on or off the lights, the television, etc.

"History Channel" will award $60,000 to the winners, $40,000 to the runners-up and $20,000 for the third, while the fourth and fifth projects will each receive $10,000. each.

"An idea to change history" is an initiative exclusive to "History Channel". It hopes to recognize and support entrepreneurs who contribute to the development and progress of society. In fact, the projects selected include social and environmental ideas that stand out for their creativity, viability and social impact.

The vision that drives this type of project is an inclusive world in which all can live a healthy, comfortable and dignified life.

You can vote for the project, up to November 27, here.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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